Elecon Brasov, proiectare instalatii electrice, executare instalatii electrice, confectii metalice


Open electric


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retele electrice aeriene


electric networks

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Public lighting

public lighting service

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S.C.  Electroconstructia ELECON S.A. Brasov is a joint stock company with entirely  private capital

whose main activities are the design, construction and  mounting, and the repair of electric installations, the distribution and use of  electric energy for the field of  0,4÷20÷110÷400 kV tensions, including public lighting.


Our products

  • 1 electric power distribution equipment;
  • 2 metal products for low voltage electric lines with bunched conductors;
  • 3 metal products for transformer units, transformer supporting armatures, distribution gears, fusible cut-out frames, street lighting pole


ELECON History

The production and use of electric energy in Romania began during the late 19th century.

In 1873 a temporary electric illuminator was used in Iasi.

The first extended street lighting system in Europe comprising 731 lighting fixtures was accomplished in Timisoara in 1884.

Electric power was used in oil extraction for the first time ever in 1897 in Câmpina.

The General Gas and Electricity Company was set-up in Bucharest in 1906.

Transilvania Electric Company was set-up in Sibiu in 1924.

The Electric Network Enterprise was set-up in 1949. It had specialized units that provided especially investment works in the field of electric networks.


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